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Chidekel, D. and Budding, D.E. Compass Education Group Newsletter, ACT, SAT, LD April 13, 2015: The Neuropsychologist’s Guide to Accommodations


Koziol, L.F., Budding, D.E. & Chidekel, D. Pediatric Neurology, 48 (1) January 2013. pp. 3-13: Hyperbilirubinemia: Subcortical Mechanisms of Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction


Budding, D.E. and Chidekel, D. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, DOI: 10.1080/21622965.2012.699423 ADHD and Giftedness: A Neurocognitive Consideration of Twice Exceptionality


Koziol, L.F., Budding, D.E. & Chidekel, D. Cerebellum, DOI 10.1007/s12311-011-1031-y: From Movement to Thought: Executive Function, Embodied Cognition and the Cerebellum


Koziol, L.F., Budding, D.E., & Chidekel, D. Cerebellum, DOI 10.1007/s12311-01100288-8: Sensory Integration, Sensory Processing, and Sensory Modulation Disorder: Putative Functional Neuroanatomic Underpinnings


Koziol, L.F., Budding, D.E. & Chidekel, D. Cerebellum, DOI 10.1007/s12311-010-0192-7: Adaptation, Expertise, and Giftedness: Towards an Understanding of Cortical, Subcortical, and Cerebellar Network Contribution


Chidekel, D. and Budding, D.E. The Educational Therapist, Winter 2009, 31(1), 8-12: Procedural Deficits in Learning Disorders: A View Beneath the Verbal-Nonverbal Dichotomy


Chidekel, D. The Educational Therapist, Spring/Summer 2003, 24(2), 5-11: The Place of Boundaries


To complement her busy private practice as a Neuropsychologist, Dr. Chidekel maintains an active presence in the professional and educational community by delivering well-researched, relevant presentations along with publishing books and articles about what educators, therapists and parents need and want to know.


If you are not the leader in your household, the plain-English explanations of developmental psychology, brain research, and the case examples in Parents in Charge will fascinate you and empower you to step unapologetically into the position of an authoritative parent. You will understand that the structured and consistent environment that good boundaries create gives your children real freedom. The book discusses how parenting casts light on your childhood memories and experiences, and it explains the differences between the cultures of early childhood and adulthood. Vivid examples of the differences between how children and adults experience time, language and consequences will lead you to chuckle in recognition and relief. The book also sweats the small stuff: writing thank you notes, calling adults by their first names and the need to rethink birthday parties with bulging party bags.

Using a well-known, widely studied disorder as a test case, ADHD as a Model of Brain-Behavior offers an innovative framework for integrating neuroscience and behavioral research to refine the diagnostic process and advance the understanding of developmental neuropathology. The book identifies a profound disconnection between current neuropsychological testing and the way the brain actually works. It proposes  a revision of the diagnostic paradigm, critiquing the DSM and ICD for their failure to consider how connections between brain structures impact cognition and behavior. A large-scale brain network approach to pathology is presented to replace the historical approach that attempts to localize pathology to different, individual brain areas. Alternative diagnostic criteria proposed by the NIMH are discussed. Additional topics include:

  • The diagnosis of ADHD: history and context
  • ADHD and neuropsychological nomenclature
  • Research Domain Criteria: a dimensional approach to evaluating a disorder
  • The development of motor skills, executive function, and a relation to ADHD
  • The role of the cerebellum in cognition, emotion, motivation, and dysfunction
  • How large-scale brain networks interact